If you think it’s been a challenge to build your company, grow your customer base, hire and retain the right talent and eke out a profit over the years…now you are about to be put through a daunting set of hurdles to prove it to a skeptical buyer. Every stone will be unturned and achieving your forecast during the process
Mergers & Acquisitions
Small and Mid-Size Businesses: A Primer on Being Prepared to Exit Your Business in the Future
If you have spent much of your career building a business, I am sure you anticipate that others will want to buy it from you one day and all your hard work will turn into your retirement nest egg. If so, read on.
What Will a Buyer Look For?
The Keys To A Successful Deal
Over the years we’ve seen what works well and what doesn’t in selling a company. You’ve read in our other articles about the potential “Pitfalls” and what a well-managed “Sale Process” entails.
Summarized below are the Keys to a Successful Deal!
1. Planning & Preparation—everything lined up well in advance.
2. Positioning – sale documents to showcase your business, tailored…
Buyers – Who Are They & How Do I Find Them?
More often than not, the buyer for your business will come from your industry or an adjacent sector. We refer to these as “Strategic Buyers” who typically can afford to pay the most for your business, due to potential synergies (e.g. cost savings & revenue growth) in combining your business with theirs. The other important category of buyers is Private…
Common Pitfalls in Selling a Business
There are many mistakes we’ve seen business owners – and sometimes their advisors – make in selling their business. Here are 5 common ones: