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A Bird’s Eye View of Survive to Thrive
Zooming Out from Mistakes and Opportunities to the Possibilities Ahead
Through the Survive to Thrive Series, we outlined our top-level perspective on the seven key mistakes to avoid and seven urgent opportunities to implement so businesses can emerge from the current economic downtown in a position of strength. The processes and methods

Survive to Thrive: Phase II (Part B)
Opportunity #6: Systems & Processes Structural Changes to Support New Channels, Markets, Delivery, and Scaling
We’ve pointed out several opportunities for growth and progress in this Survive to Thrive series, and Opportunities #3-5 specifically helped you prepare a new plan for your business during these critical times. But we also have to

Survive to Thrive: Phase II (Part B)
 Opportunity #4 – Opportunities to Innovate: Products & Packaging Recovering Losses & Gaining New Revenue
We are in the middle of exploring more targeted approaches your business can implement in the current market cycle and how to capitalize on these unique times. Building off our recommendation to consider Scaling Through Acquisition is the urgent

Survive to Thrive: Phase II (Part B)
Opportunity #3 – Scaling Through Acquisition
How to Grow in a Recession
The first two opportunities we presented for capturing the recovery – Visioning and Positioning  – were broad organizational strokes painted across your business canvas. Now we shift to the finer lines of more detailed and targeted approaches that can be implemented

Survive to Thrive: Phase II (Part B)
Opportunity # 2 – Positioning
Aligning Your Core Business Model with The Recovery
The second significant opportunity for your business to capitalize on when emerging from a crisis is your positioning. Positioning is defined as your core business model – the markets you serve, the customer or client experience your offer, the product

Survive to Thrive: Phase II (Part B)
Opportunity #1 – Visioning
Creating the Foundation to Propel Your Business and Capture the Recovery
With the key blunders and mistakes businesses make during a recession behind us, we move now to capturing the opportunities and emerging possibilities for growth resulting from shifting markets and landscape.
The very first question to ask is

Beyond the Blunders and Mistakes
Lessons Learned and 7 Opportunities to THRIVE
Over the last two months, we provided our top-level perspective about the impact of blunders and mistakes in an unprecedented economic environment. We examined a specific set of circumstances; made recommendations about how to avoid them and wrote about fore-planning and strategic decision-making and how they

 7 Blunders & Key Mistakes
Businesses Make During a Crises & How to Avoid Them
 Mistake #7:  Energy Management – Unexpected Issues Preventing the Team to Move Forward Effectively
Over the past several weeks, we have been discussing the impact of blunders and mistakes businesses make during difficult times. Each article has examined a specific set of circumstances