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Are you navigating a marriage separation in California and feeling overwhelmed by the legal, financial and emotional complexities? This is Scott Levin, founder of San Diego Divorce Mediation & Family Law, and I am writing this guide to help you understand legal separation, dissolution, property division, custody and support so it all doesn’t feel so overwhelming.
Understanding the steps involved

Getting a divorce is never an easy process, but in California, couples have the option to choose an out-of-court divorce settlement. This alternative approach offers numerous benefits that can make the dissolution of a marriage less stressful and more amicable. In this article, we will look at the benefits of choosing California divorce mediation for an out-of-court divorce settlement in

As a divorce mediator, I am often tasked with helping couples navigate divorce and reach agreements that are outside the box. Many couples with children prefer not to disrupt their kids by selling the home and having the kids move. Instead, these parents want to reach agreements that are motivated in part by what’s best for their kiddos and not

The Role of a Consulting Attorney in Divorce Mediation
According to, roughly 80% of divorcing couples who use mediation reach a settlement. Traditionally, mediation is a lawyer-free process. However, a consulting attorney can provide valuable guidance and advice throughout the process, ensuring that your rights and interests are protected. Whether it

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  • After three sessions with his wife and mediator, the client is being pushed to agree to a settlement that is unfair and inequitable. Scott is hired as a consulting attorney and helps educate and empowers the client to rebut mistakes made by the mediator.
  • The client receives coaching from Scott that improves his interactions with the mediator and wife


  • Scott Levin mediated the separation of a couple in their mid 50s and were together for more than 35 years. The divorce was precipitated by the husband coming out as gay. The couple have four grown children, two homes and several assets.
  • The husband wanted to keep their financials together with joint decision making on expenses and income deposits