Human Resources

Employee experience may sometimes feel like a buzz word to describe a never-attainable target of an ideal workspace where employees are happy, nurtured, fulfilled and productive 100% of the time.

That sounds amazing, but it doesn’t really reflect the reality of focusing on employee experience or, more specifically, the evolution of employee experience and how to make strategic changes to

HR key performance indicators (KPIs) help us to understand how our HR practices are contributing to our organizations as a whole and to gauge their impact on profitability. The main questions at hand are:

  • How does an HR team go about measuring the success of their HR strategy at year-end?
  • How are HR KPIs best reviewed?
  • What are some core

Comparing yourself to others is a reliable way to reduce your confidence, motivation, and self-esteem. It must be natural to make these types of comparisons, because nearly everyone does it. However, that doesn’t mean it’s a good move. If you want to become the best possible you, avoid comparing yourself to others. The Dangers There […]

One size does not fit all when it comes to how you lead your team. Yes, we all have a default leadership style, but you have to learn the other styles to be most effective as a manager.

Think about it: Some days you need to be a coach while other days require you to be visionary and motivational. Occasionally

Most likely not. There are many reasons why your employee might not have been in contact since leaving the original message, and since they mentioned illness, there’s a good chance their absence is protected by law. Potential protections come from the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), state-level […]

Most of us would like a new car or a bigger house. Or maybe you’d like to climb Mount Everest. However, if you were instantly teleported to the top of Everest, you wouldn’t be as happy or fulfilled as if you actually climbed it. Our goals are more than just things we want to have […]